67. A Pigeon in a Loft

  • Play:
  • Song Name: 67. A Pigeon in a Loft
  • Artist: On the Time Lash
  • Album: Series 6

Time is against them as Ben and Mark battle sickness and a naughty dog to bring you their discussion about 'The Wedding of River Song' and 'The Time Monster'.

Two season finales as Steven Moffat brings his tangled web of plotlines together to close out Series 6 and Robert Sloman does whatever it is he's doing to close Series 10.

Why does the Doctor have a mullet? Is the new series missing the madness of Moffat? Is Kronos, God of time really such a threat? How does eating pheasant at a publicly funded institution look? How sexy is Roger Delgado?

ALSO: Ben and Mark discuss their reactions to Series 11 thus far and question whether or not Doctor Who is still for them.

You can read Mark's blog for the Big Blue Box Podcast here: https://www.bigblueboxpodcast.co.uk/doctor-who-the-childrens-own-programme-that-adults-abhor/