89. Space Dad

  • Play:
  • Song Name: 89. Space Dad
  • Artist: On the Time Lash
  • Album: Series 8

Ben and Mark turn their attention to the teachers of Coal Hill School as they look at 'The Caretaker' and 'The Rescue'. One story features two kindly teachers specialised in history and chemistry whilst the other focuses on two teachers who, whilst romantically involved, have neither.

Under discussion: A whistle stop history of portrayals of the military in Doctor Who, the unassuming historical significance of 'The Rescue', boyfriend errors, and the invention of the Doctor Who companion.

If you enjoy the podcast, you can buy us a pint over at buymeacoffee.com/onthetimelash, thanks to those who have so far.

Over on our YouTube channel, you can watch the podcast with an added 20 minutes of visual gags and extras.