92. Running from the Boners

  • Play:
  • Song Name: 92. Running from the Boners
  • Artist: On the Time Lash
  • Album: Series 8

As the Doctor and Clara visit Bristol in 'Flatline', Mark advocates toppling 'The Celestial Toymaker' off a harbour in an oddly topical, yet mostly trivial new episode of On the Time Lash.

Under discussion: Artistic expression, class and race in 1960s Doctor Who, child-unfriendly childishness, the evolution of the Doctor-lite episode and how a prestige Saturday night drama can attract a younger audience.

Also: Two painful things more enjoyable than 'The Celestial Toymaker', Mark taps into an austere childhood at his Great Aunts and Ben relates a heart-warming tale from a children's play park.